Accordian Maternity Dress

Model #D01 Accordian Maternity Dress

Elegant economical dress. Features (such as pins) may vary from rental to rental. Please inquire.

Product Details

Grade Elegant/Simcha
Color Black
MSRP Price


This price reflects a 1-time rental. Please add rental date in the comment box during checkout. If you want more than one time rental, add the number of rentals on the quantity field before adding it to the cart, and the price will adjust accordigly.


This price reflects a 1-time rental. Please add rental date in the comment box during checkout. If you want more than one time rental, add the number of rentals on the quantity field before adding it to the cart, and the price will adjust accordigly.
* This price is for one item only. Discounts are available for bulk purchases.

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