Net Dress with Poly Underlay, Lace Top and Balloon Sleeves

Model #D1307 Net Dress with Poly Underlay, Lace Top and Balloon Sleeves

Purchasing this item, gets you a one-day rental of the net dress with a polymer underlay, a lace top and balloon sleeves.

Available in X-Small and Small. Please note that the styles are slightly different between the two sizes.

Product Details

Grade Elegant/Simcha
MPN D1307
Cleaning Instructions Dry clean only
Brand/Label LF Maternity
Color Ivory
Material Net / Lace
Class Dress
MSRP Price

X-Small - Rental

X-Small - Rental

1-Day Rental

Purchasing this item, gets you a one-day rental of the X-Small net dress with a polymer underlay, a lace top and balloon sleeves.

Small - Rental

Small - Rental

1-Day Rental

Purchasing this item, gets you a one-day rental of the Small net dress with a polymer underlay, a lace top and balloon sleeves.

Customer Reviews

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